Jumat, 29 Maret 2024

Argumentative Rule of Life


Rule of divorced Husband

It is important to recognize that every individual has the right to live happily and feel safe. When a marriage ends and parents divorce, a father's role remains important in the lives of children. Therefore, the rule for a father after divorce must be to prioritize the welfare of his children above all else. This means fathers must remain actively involved in their children's lives, both emotionally and financially.

Additionally, a fair arrangement for a father after divorce must also take into account the children's need to have a healthy relationship with both parents. Even though a marriage has ended, children still need love, attention, and support from both their parents. Therefore, a father must ensure that he gives sufficient time and attention to his children, even if that means collaborating with the ex-spouse in decisions related to the children's education, health, and activities.

Finally, the rules for a father after divorce must include a commitment to continue to respect his ex-spouse, especially in the presence of children. Conflict between divorced parents can negatively impact children's development and make them feel insecure. Therefore, a father must try to maintain open communication and resolve differences with a former partner in a mature manner, for the good of the children. Thus, the rules for a father after divorce should aim to create a stable, safe, and loving environment for optimal development of children.

Selasa, 27 Februari 2024

argumentative text with a free school theme


free school program 

on Monday 26 February 2024, my colleague and I (Vika Aulia P /32) learned several steps in creating argumentative texts. I learned a lot starting from selecting the title from the specified theme, namely "free school", developing the title through the thesis, arguments that strengthen the thesis, and the conclusion of the argumentative text. Here are the results of my learning work with my colleagues :

Investment in the Nation's Future with free education


Education is the human right of every individual, and access to quality education is an important foundation for a country's social and economic progress. High education costs often become an obstacle for many people in achieving a decent education. Free education is an important step to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to get an education.


Free education opens the door to opportunity for all levels of society, regardless of their economic background. By eliminating the cost of education, people from low-income or disadvantaged families no longer have to bear the heavy financial burden of obtaining an education. This ensures that a person's talents and potential are not hampered by financial limitations, thereby creating a society of more equality and opportunity.

Free education also has a broad positive impact on a country's economy. By increasing literacy levels and educational qualifications among citizens, countries can create a more skilled and educated work force. This triggers long-term economic growth because a skilled workforce tends to be more productive and innovative, and is able to increase the country's global competitiveness.

In addition, free education also contributes to reducing social and economic disparities. When everyone has equal access to education, the gap between rich and poor can be reduced significantly. This creates a more inclusive and equitable society, where every individual has equal opportunities to achieve success and develop personally.


Overall, free education is an invaluable investment in a country's future. By creating broader access to quality education, countries can build more advanced societies, stronger economies, and fairer opportunities for everyone. Therefore, the government and society must work together to ensure that free education remains a priority in the national development agenda for reducing social and economic disparities.

Selasa, 20 Februari 2024

Sample Of Argumentative Text


Mr. Jokowi Dodo is arguing in public 

Monday, February 19 2024, I am learning about argumentative texts. There are several things I learned;


1. Leangue Function: An argument text is a text in which the author supports or opposes an issue or subject, or presents a case for both sides. The aim is to convince, influence, or invite readers to understand and support the author's views or opinions on a particular topic.

2. text structure

Title: description of the content of the argumentative text.

Thesis: Introduces the topic that the author will discuss.

Argument: Contains explanation or evidence supporting the argument in the author's thesis.

Recommendation: Contains the author's opinion which is reiterated.

3.language features:

The language style in argumentative texts must be clear, direct and persuasive. Some examples of language styles that are often used in argumentative texts include:

  • Facts and Data: Using empirical data, statistics and reliable facts to support arguments.
  • Logic: Uses solid logic and a well-structured train of thought to construct arguments.
  • Allusions and Metaphors: Using figures of speech or metaphors to explain complex concepts or ideas in a way that is easier to understand.
  • Repetition: Repeating the main idea or argument to provide emphasis and improve the reader's memory.
  • Opponent's Perspective: Including and responding to arguments from an opponent's perspective to demonstrate in-depth understanding and strengthen one's own position.
  • Emotions: Use emotions wisely to evoke sympathy, empathy, or fear relevant to the argument presented.
  • Credibility: Establish credibility by referring to trusted sources, citing authorities, or including relevant personal experiences.
  • Rhetorical Questions: Asking questions designed to stimulate readers' minds and help them consider arguments in depth.
  • Assertiveness: Presenting an argument with a firm and convincing statement, leaving no room for doubt or multiple interpretations.
  • Disagreement: Clearly explain the position that is contrary to the argument presented, then provide reasons why that position is inappropriate or irrelevant.

4. Example of argumentative text

- The Importance of Character Education in Schools

Character education in schools is a very important thing to implement. First of all, character education helps form individuals of quality and integrity. By teaching values ​​such as honesty, discipline and responsibility, students will become individuals who can be relied on in society.

Apart from that, character education also helps reduce negative behavior such as juvenile delinquency, bullying and violence at school. By understanding the importance of respecting differences, empathy, and cooperation, students will be more likely to build positive relationships with others.

Furthermore, character education also plays a role in preparing students to face life's challenges in the future. Values ​​such as perseverance, creativity, and leadership will help students overcome obstacles and achieve their goals in their careers and personal lives.

Thus, it can be concluded that character education in schools is not a trivial matter, but is an integral part of forming quality and resilient individuals. Therefore, it is necessary for schools to pay greater attention to the implementation of character education in their curriculum.

- The Important Role of Mobile Phones in the Modern Age

Mobile phones have become an inseparable part of our lives today. Although some people may criticize our reliance on technology, I believe that mobile phones have an important role in facilitating communication, accessing information, and expanding the possibilities in everyday life.

First of all, mobile phones allow us to stay connected with other people wherever we are. With telephone features, text messages, and messaging applications, we can easily communicate with family, friends, and coworkers without time or distance limitations.

Apart from that, cellphones are also very useful tools for accessing information. Through the internet, we can search for the latest news, read articles, watch videos, and explore various knowledge topics quickly and easily. This allows us to continue learning and developing ourselves in this information age.

Lastly, mobile phones open the door to many possibilities in everyday life. With the various applications available, we can order transportation, make payments, shop online, and even run a business from the palm of our hand. This provides convenience and efficiency that cannot be ignored in daily activities.

Considering all these benefits, it is clear that mobile phones play a very important role in facilitating our lives in modern times. Although we must remain alert to its negative impacts, such as over-dependence or mental health problems, we cannot deny that mobile phones have brought significant advances in the way we communicate, access information and live our daily lives.

Senin, 15 Januari 2024

Belajar Menulis Teks Deskriptif dalam Bahasa Inggris


suasana pembelajaran (dokumen pribadi)

Hari ini Senin, 15 Januari 2024 saya belajar tentang bagaimana menulis descriptive text dalam bahasa inggris. Ada beberapa hal yang saya pelajari

1. Memahami struktur kalimat

Dalam setiap bahasa pastinya ada word order atau susunan kata dalam pembentukan kalimat, namun ternyata tiap bahasa memiliki susunan yang berbeda. bentuk susunan tersebut adalah Subject + Verb + Object + Manner + Place + Time (SVOMPT). Manner + Place + Time (MPT) termasuk dalam keterangan (adverb) yang pada akhirnya susunan tersebut memiliki arti untuk digunakan.

Jika dibalik susunannya, maka kata tersebut tidak memiliki arti sama sekali. Berikut adalah contoh kalimat dengan susunan yang berbeda. 

pada contoh ketiga manner digunakan untuk menjelaskan verb yang tertera yaitu sets. 

2. Memahami subjek dalam kalimat

Subjek adalah kata benda , kata ganti , atau frasa kata benda apa pun yang melakukan tindakan dalam sebuah kalimat. Subjek dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu abstrak dan real, subjek abstrak jika pada contoh adalah the government, jika subjek real pada contoh adalah school. Dan kata kerja dapat dijadikan subjek apabila berakhiran dengan -ing yang biasa disebut dengan gerunds.

3. Memahami predikat dalam kalimat 

Kata kerja atau verb adalah kelas kata yang menyatakan suatu tindakan, keberadaan, pengalaman, atau pengertian dinamis lainnya. bentuk verb dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian yaitu 

- Verb 1 (V1) adalah bentuk kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris paling dasar untuk menyampaikan fakta, kebiasaan, atau keadaan yang terjadi saat ini atau pada saat lampau. contohnya you have the program, she has the program.

- V2 atau kata kerja bentuk kedua digunakan pada Simple Past Tense untuk menjelaskan kejadian di masa lampau, contohnya you had the program.